James van Praagh Live in Denver – Part 2

Being in the workshop was very inspiring and I thought of ANOTHER gig I can put up on fiverr: spiritual advice or spiritual life coaching. You can ask me 1-3 questions, send me your name and photo and I’ll see what psychic insights I get for you!

Honestly, I think EVERYONE IS PSYCHIC. We’ve just forgotten how to tune into it. James calls it “making the connection.” He says meditate every day, listen to calming music, go someplace quiet to relax. I do this every day. My 2 cents is to use lavender aromatherapy every day, or a sage spritz or something to clear the energy in your home. James brought a Tibetan set of bells with him, which I own too. Very clearing!

I noticed that just about everyone in attendance was….(drumroll) a WOMAN! Yes, “mother’s intuition” might be a real thing! Partly, this is because women are told its OK to be tuned into to the emotions of themselves and other people, especially loved ones. My mother always says she “just knows things” about people in her life, and sometimes about world events. Whereas men are pressured to be very logical and tune out their emotions/intuitive feelings.

If you believe in past lives, it’s quite likely that many of us women were “witches.” Most witches were like herbalists who lived in the woods, coming up with potions and healing salves from the trees and plants in the forest. So we all likely have some magical powers in our bloodline! Not to mention the gypsy card readers and healers, who I find fascinating also. And if you had past lives as a Native American, you likely knew tons of natural healing techniques or you could’ve even been the tribe’s shaman (usually male, but you can switch genders in different lifetimes).

Another interesting thing people were talking about at the workshop is how we felt magnetically pulled towards each other. It’s very noticeable if you close your eyes and stand close to someone. You’ll feel your body sway towards them! This is because we are attracted like a magnet to the other person’s energy field, especially someone with energy similar to ours (someone we “resonate” with) or someone with a powerful magnetic field, like James or another famous psychic.

Random thought: I saw someone wearing a “SPIRITUAL GANGSTER” hoodie and now I want one!

The only psychic prediction I heard James make is an attack on the NYC subway system. I personally think there will be a dirty bomb in NYC. That means it will be partly nuclear!

I left half way through the workshop, at the lunch break. I still get tired easily, so I thought it was better for me to just drive home early (1 hour drive, but with traffic it took 1 1/2 hours). It was an enjoyable workshop. I’ve mentioned before that I love James’ meditation classes in his online school, School of Mystical Arts.

Oh, he also name-dropped John Edwards, another psychic medium who mostly talks to dead people. The last I heard, he moved his TV show online. I am wondering who the “new” crop of famous metaphysical/spiritual people will be! Some people like Gabrielle Bernstein, but I’m not a fan. She’s the only one I can think of! I would like to be in the mix.

One more thing I thought of: James recommended that everyone choose between being: a psychic, a medium or a healer. A medium is a psychic who specializes in talking to dead people (like your dead relatives). This is if you are going into it professionally. Instead of trying to be all three (or more!), concentrate on the ONE THING you are best at. I decided to choose PSYCHIC, even though I am very interested in energy healing, too.

Read Part 1 if you haven’t yet!

James van Praagh Live in Denver – Part 1

Yesterday, I saw psychic medium James van Praagh in person! He did a meditation class at Mile Hi Church in Denver. You can see his events listed on his personal website. He does quite a lot of them! He mentioned he’s going to Maui next week to do a writer’s workshop with Doreen Virtue. I was dying to ask him what he thinks about Doreen’s conversion to born-again Christianity!

I actually saw James live in person once before…at the Doreen Virtue event I went to in Denver a couple of years ago (part of a Hay House Live tour). He came onstage for part of Doreen’s talk. He’s very low key but likes to joke around a lot. I am thinking he is part Leprechaun! If you’ve taken Doreen’s Realm Reader workshop, you’ll know what I mean! Leprechaun’s have a little twinkle in their eye and like to joke and gossip and have fun.

What did James have us do at the meditation workshop? Mostly, we picked one person in the audience to work with. We did quick exercises like scan their energy, look into their eyes and see what insights you get, hold something from them (psychometry) in your hands and see what it reveals. Everything was quick and easy. Since I’ve gone to other psychic development classes, I could’ve done harder exercises. But anytime you do psychic stuff with a group of people, it seems SO EASY to get information! Everyone in the class saw things (like aura colors) or felt things (I felt a lot sadness from one of the women).

The exercises re-confirmed to me that the best way to “read” someone – even someone you are meeting in “real life” – is to close your eyes/avert your eyes and just go with what you “feel” about the person. We are all bombarded with information from the energy fields of people, but we are taught to ignore this! In fact, it’s much more accurate to “go with your gut” than to judge a person by what they say about themselves (often fudged/misleading) or what others tell you about them (gossip usually has an agenda).

My favorite experience at the workshop was choosing people at random and looking into their eyes. Since looking someone directly in the eyes gets uncomfortable fast, I just unfocused my eyes and gazed over their shoulders. Something about facing the person, but not saying a word, felt very revealing and intimate.

I loved one of the people I got to read like this. She had a VERY STRONG Atlantean vibe. Atlanteans are described as very tall and thin, very self-assured, great public speakers who stand up for what’s right. President Obama = Atlantean (another Realm Reader thing). This woman at the workshop had an amazing ball of blue aquamarine light hovering by her head! I glimpsed it quickly and then it was gone (I suck at seeing auras). This color is associated with Atlantis, the very psychically-advanced society by the sea. Also, this woman had a very unique and interesting necklace on. Like a golden swirl that formed a symbol. I really wished I could ask her about it! But James instructed us to remain silent and move on to reading someone else ;(

My second favorite exercise was scanning a person’s aura or the energy field around their body. I didn’t actually think I’d be good at this! Some people see auras so easily, but I can only SOMETIMES see a faint white line around things. I went to a professional quantum energy healer in Denver a long time ago, and he basically did the same thing we did in this exercise (and charged a lot of money for it). You just slowly run your hand about 3-6 inches off the person’s body. The other person just stands still with their eyes closed. It was super easy to get information this way! Try it with someone.

I definitely felt a lot of excess energy around the head of the woman I scanned. Like they were “in their head” too much, thinking and re-thinking things. It was like a waterfall of energy from the left side of her head towards her left chest. I really didn’t think I’d be good at this exercise, but I felt it immediately and it seemed very obvious to me as I scanned her (hovered my hand over her). When I was done reading her energy field, I told her that she is thinking too much/being too logical when she really wants to be in her heart more (a common problem in today’s world). She agreed. She told me she very much wants to be more involved in women’s marches and other political activism and has been wondering how to do it. I offered a lot of advice/encouragement to meet up with other women who want to go to these marches, and maybe carpool, etc. She said she met someone who lives in Wyoming and she got the idea of helping transport women from Wyoming into Denver because Wyoming doesn’t have any women’s marches. So (a) people usually KNOW what they should be doing but get apprehensive about taking action and (b) I am awesome at giving advice and should be doing this on fiverr! 😉

When we switched places and she read my aura/energy field, she correctly said I have some deficit with my yellow chakra. This has been such a problem for me! And I still don’t know how to fix it! I got gallbladder surgery a long time ago and it completely ffed things up for me/my body. I gained 75 pounds! And then I got a chronic fatigue illness! So I am still trying to figure out how to get more energy. The yellow chakra is like your personal battery. She also said I have a huge surge of energy coming out of my 3rd eye! It was kind of funny because James van Praagh had just pulled one girl out of the audience to be a test example and he said the same thing about her! He said she should really be working as a psychic or a medium professionally. So, I was jazzed about that!

Read more in Part 2!

Find Peace in your Heart Today

peaceful hearts

How to Make the World More Peaceful

In the aftermath of the Brussels bombings, I am in need of some calm, peaceful energy! To calm myself, I go outside in nature, listen to a meditation CD (today I listened to one about your body elemental and how it helps clear your chakras, by Tanis Helliwell) and every day I also listen to a hypnosis app by Surf City (a bunch of different ones are available in the iPhone App Store). Also, exercise is always good: I do yoga or dance with my Wii Fit. There will be an overwhelming amount of fear coming at us from the media, so don’t listen to too much coverage (instead of watching non-stop TV coverage, I’ll read the The Daily Mail, a UK newspaper online that always has the latest updates). 

Peace in our hearts = more peace worldwide.

Day 6 of Lucky Leprechauns!

Meet Lochlan.

Lochlan (pronounced Lock-lynn) is a fun-loving fellow, like most leprechauns are. He is Irish, of course, and speaks with a thick brogue. He is from a tiny little village on the coast of Ireland where the sheep outnumber the people (including leprechauns!). His greatest wish is for all the beautiful people in the world to have abundance.

Lochlan’s Abundance Tip: 


To help you with this, see my blog post from last year with a leprechaun meditation you can download/print: CLICK HERE for the meditation

Leprechaun Meditation for Abundance


I love St. Patrick! Say this meditation on St. Patrick’s Day (March 17th) to give it more power. Both St. Patrick and the leprechauns represent the beautiful spirituality of Ireland. Leprechauns are amazing at bringing in abundance.

See emerald green sparkles in front of you. Now imagine an emerald green ray of light beaming out from your heart chakra (“shock-rah,” near your heart but in the middle of  your chest). This emerald green ray transmits the energy of love. Ask St. Patrick to visit you. See him standing before you, bathed in this emerald green ray of love. He is dressed like a Catholic priest, with gold and green Celtic symbols embroidered on his outfit. Say, “Dear St. Patrick, I have called you in to bless me with an abundance of love and riches.” See a green Celtic heart (with knotwork in the middle) float toward you from his outstretched hand. Know that St. Patrick is blessing you with love.

To help bless you with riches, St. Patrick calls in his friends the leprechauns. Everyone knows the leprechauns are lucky! See three leprechauns standing in front of you. They look a bit like the dwarves from “Snow White” but they wear forest green clothes: felt leggings, a matching top edged in a ruffle and a pointy green cap. Each leprechaun steps forward and hands you a lucky shamrock. As soon as you take the lucky shamrocks, the leprechauns start singing and dancing. They dance away from you, saying, “We’re off to find the pot of gold!” Wave goodbye to them. They’ll reappear once they’ve found gold for you.

Manifesting abundance is all about shortening the time between cause and effect. Your positive thinking is the cause and the effect is realizing your dreams. Visualize what you want. Create a vision board with positive affirmations, Bible quotes, pictures ripped out of magazines and inspiring post cards. Do meditations and even hypnosis. See in your mind what you want to achieve. The more passionate you are, the quicker you will attract what you want. Know that the world has infinite resources and God wants you to achieve your dreams.

Now, see a thick mist of gold sparkles. The sparkles form a golden path. Walking towards you on this path are the leprechauns. Watch as they set down a heavy black pot overflowing with gold coins. Ask them, “Where, oh where, did you find this pot of gold?” They’ll reply, “Why, at the end of a rainbow, of course!” Admire the gold coins. Pick one up and inspect it. Is it shiny? Is it heavy? Is it inscribed with writing or embossed with a symbol? The more real the gold coins are to you, the better. Say good bye and thank you to the leprechauns. Know that the luck of the Irish is with you!

Want to print this meditation? CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK for the pdf file: leprechaun_meditation

©Ellen Auchter 2016
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.