Real Life Angel: Michael Ketterer

I’ve written about people who are part angels and part fairies before. I’ve been watching America’s Got Talent, and singer Michael Ketterer is definitely part angel!

How do I know?

1) His name: Michael. Many angels are named Michael or Michele after the most popular angel, St. Michael.

2) His eyes. Michael has remarkable blue eyes. Both angels and alien hybrids have distinctive eyes. Angels have pretty sky blue eyes.

3) His profession: nurse and now a child psychologist in a hospital. Angels want to HELP people. They will often go around saying this! “I just want to HELP people. What can I do to HELP people?” Michael is very giving in that he works in hospitals and he has adopted kids – some that were abused by drug addict parents and one that is confined to a wheelchair with a serious disability. Angels are often nurses/doctors or police/firemen. All this and he has time to sing! He sings uplifting songs and posts a lot about his Christian faith on Twitter.

4) People’s reactions to him. He even got stonefaced Simon Cowell to CRY! Simon was moved by one of his songs with lyrics about loving your family. Simon himself has said that there is just something special about Michael Ketterer.

Meet Real Earth Angels

I was reading the DailyMailOnline, my favorite news and gossip website (out of Britain), and I came across 2 articles about Earth Angels!

Earth Angels are what angel author Doreen Virtue calls people who are part human and part angel. I have written about this subject myself! See link below.

free angel quiz

free angel quiz

FREEBIE: Download and print my quiz: angel_quiz

The DailyMailOnline articles are fun to read and include photos of 5 women in the first article (click here to read article 1) and photos and life stores of 5 men in the second article (click here to read article 2).

After you enjoy your free gift from me (angel_quiz), you may want to explore what it means to be an Earth Angel even more! I have written quizzes to determine if you are 2 special kinds of angel: a Cupid Love Angel or a troubled Rockstar Angel. To get these 2 quizzes, plus Help for Angels – includes your life purpose and common relationship problems angels have – press this PayPal link and send $10. The quizzes and help for angels will arrive at the email you use with PayPal (if you want to use a different email, just let me know by emailing newagestudies at gmail or leaving a comment on this post).

New TV Show about Psychic who sees Vampires, Angels, etc.

New metaphysical TV show (fictional) coming up this month on NBC: Midnight, Texas. Have no idea if it’ll be good or not! Just saw the commercial and got excited about it. The writer wrote True Blood, an HBO series about vampires (never did see it).

Watch the trailer for the new show, Midnight, Texas here.

The storyline is a dusty, lonely Texas town with weird people in it: vampires, demons, angels, etc. The main character (a stud-ly guy) comes to town and he’s able to see dead people and spirits. Cool! Soon, there’s a war between good and evil. This storyline has been done a lot. I don’t know if I’ll like it or not.

But I LOVED a similar TV show called Being Human. Watch the British version with super sexy Aiden Turner from Poldark. It’s available on Amazon Fire. There’s also a shorter-lived American version of this show with different actors. I didn’t watch that one.

Mondays on NBC.

UPDATE: I saw the first show. It’s so-so. I like the premise, but there are way too many characters and too many things going on! Also, a big discrepancy for me is that the main character kind of believes in psychics and kind of thinks they are frauds…even though HE is a psychic and his mom was a professional psychic! There is a talking cat, which I wanted to love…but it’s mean!

Rockstar Angels


While I was writing the previous post about the different types of Angels, I thought about a current day celebrity who is likely a Rockstar Angel:

Paris Jackson.

She is Michael Jackson’s daughter. So interesting! She has tattoos and piercings (very Rockstar Angel). She’s publicly said she had problems with drinking and cutting (also common in the Rockstar Angel realm). She is super fashionable and dresses very edgy (another Rockstar Angel trait). In fact, she has a high-end modeling contract with Chanel! She is very charismatic and I predict BIG stardom for her.

This week, in a video she posted on social media, she said the reason she is accepting modeling gigs is to make a name for herself so she can use her high-profile to help others. Remember, this is what Angels always say!

An older celeb with the edginess of the Rockstar Angel realm is Cher.

UPDATE: I was just watching a Facebook live Q&A with magician Criss Angel and his style is definitely Rockstar! PLUS his stage name is “ANGEL”! He is now doing a lot of charity work for kids with cancer since his own son was diagnosed with cancer.

Was Princess Diana Part Angel?

I watched Dateline last night and it was so sad! It was a 2 hour special about Princess Diana and her death in Paris. This year is the 20th anniversary of her death (August 31). This Sunday (May 7, 2017), ABC will be airing another 2 hour special called The Last 100 Days of Diana. Even the title is making me emotional! I remember the press attention leading up to “the wedding of the Century.” Everyone wished they could be living this fairytale! ha ha. Little did the know about the reality of her life.

In last night’s special, the French ambassador who was called to meet with the Princess in the hospital (the first reports about her car accident was that she SURVIVED) saw her in the ambulance and described her as looking angelic. This made me think about the realm quizzes I’ve written. One is called, “Are you Part Angel?Angel hybrids have a “halo” of golden blonde hair and, most often, light blue eyes. Princess Diana famously had a poof-y, blond-streaked, short hairstyle. And gorgeous light blue eyes. She also became more famous than the rest of the royal family by doing charity work to help people! Another giveaway that you are part Angel is saying, “I want to help people.” Angels feel this is their true calling in life. And it is!

Are you wondering if you, like Princess Diana, are part Angel?

Being Human: U.K. TV Show

An angel, a vampire and a werewolf

I started watching a great TV show called Being Human (the original U.K. version, not the U.S. remake) about an angel, a vampire and a werewolf! It sounds a bit silly, but the writing and acting is really good. It aired in the U.K. starting in 2009 and was a big hit. I’m watching it on Amazon Prime video.

Aidan Turner from Poldark

If you are watching and loving Poldark (and you should be!) on BBC Masterpiece Theatre, you’ll recognize heart throb Aidan Turner. Aidan plays the brooding vampire – fits him perfectly! He feels guilty about having to feed, i.e. kill other people by sucking their blood. He comes up with various fixes for this. The werewolf is a normal guy most of the month. He only changes during the full moon, when he locks himself in a room so as not to harm anyone. The angel, Annie, is played brilliantly by a talented actress – the gossip is that she started dating Aidan while filming, and when they broke up about 2 years later he quit the show. It looks like he is in all of Season 1 and Season 2 but only in a few of the Season 3 episodes  😦 The angel character is very interesting and I think whoever wrote the show has an interest in spirituality. She learns that she is earthbound because of something traumatic regarding her death (I won’t spoil it for you). This is the true reason that ghosts are here. If they were not traumatized, they could ascend into the light/heaven. 

Free preview on Amazon Prime Video

Watch Being Human and see how you like it. Season 1 on Amazon Prime video, if you scroll down all the listings, has a free preview

Happy Michaelmas!

Today is Michaelmas, the special feast day for St. Michael (angel of protection). I swear I forget this day every year! I was watching Doreen Virtue’s weekly YouTube oracle card reading and she mentioned it. The Catholic church now combines this feast day with the ones for St. Gabriel (messenger angel) and St. Raphael (healing angel). Some churches also add St. Uriel (learning angel). 

I think all of these powerful angels deserve their own special day!