Real Life Angel: Michael Ketterer

I’ve written about people who are part angels and part fairies before. I’ve been watching America’s Got Talent, and singer Michael Ketterer is definitely part angel!

How do I know?

1) His name: Michael. Many angels are named Michael or Michele after the most popular angel, St. Michael.

2) His eyes. Michael has remarkable blue eyes. Both angels and alien hybrids have distinctive eyes. Angels have pretty sky blue eyes.

3) His profession: nurse and now a child psychologist in a hospital. Angels want to HELP people. They will often go around saying this! “I just want to HELP people. What can I do to HELP people?” Michael is very giving in that he works in hospitals and he has adopted kids – some that were abused by drug addict parents and one that is confined to a wheelchair with a serious disability. Angels are often nurses/doctors or police/firemen. All this and he has time to sing! He sings uplifting songs and posts a lot about his Christian faith on Twitter.

4) People’s reactions to him. He even got stonefaced Simon Cowell to CRY! Simon was moved by one of his songs with lyrics about loving your family. Simon himself has said that there is just something special about Michael Ketterer.

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