New TV Show about Psychic who sees Vampires, Angels, etc.

New metaphysical TV show (fictional) coming up this month on NBC: Midnight, Texas. Have no idea if it’ll be good or not! Just saw the commercial and got excited about it. The writer wrote True Blood, an HBO series about vampires (never did see it).

Watch the trailer for the new show, Midnight, Texas here.

The storyline is a dusty, lonely Texas town with weird people in it: vampires, demons, angels, etc. The main character (a stud-ly guy) comes to town and he’s able to see dead people and spirits. Cool! Soon, there’s a war between good and evil. This storyline has been done a lot. I don’t know if I’ll like it or not.

But I LOVED a similar TV show called Being Human. Watch the British version with super sexy Aiden Turner from Poldark. It’s available on Amazon Fire. There’s also a shorter-lived American version of this show with different actors. I didn’t watch that one.

Mondays on NBC.

UPDATE: I saw the first show. It’s so-so. I like the premise, but there are way too many characters and too many things going on! Also, a big discrepancy for me is that the main character kind of believes in psychics and kind of thinks they are frauds…even though HE is a psychic and his mom was a professional psychic! There is a talking cat, which I wanted to love…but it’s mean!

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