Rockstar Angels


While I was writing the previous post about the different types of Angels, I thought about a current day celebrity who is likely a Rockstar Angel:

Paris Jackson.

She is Michael Jackson’s daughter. So interesting! She has tattoos and piercings (very Rockstar Angel). She’s publicly said she had problems with drinking and cutting (also common in the Rockstar Angel realm). She is super fashionable and dresses very edgy (another Rockstar Angel trait). In fact, she has a high-end modeling contract with Chanel! She is very charismatic and I predict BIG stardom for her.

This week, in a video she posted on social media, she said the reason she is accepting modeling gigs is to make a name for herself so she can use her high-profile to help others. Remember, this is what Angels always say!

An older celeb with the edginess of the Rockstar Angel realm is Cher.

UPDATE: I was just watching a Facebook live Q&A with magician Criss Angel and his style is definitely Rockstar! PLUS his stage name is “ANGEL”! He is now doing a lot of charity work for kids with cancer since his own son was diagnosed with cancer.

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